Tuesday, November 29, 2011


whatever we think about ourselves when we alone.. cannot be real truth unless we communicate with the rest of the world around.. it's like a mirror, shows us everything we are.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Est tolko holodnyi pesok, ya, shum okeana, ogni goroda. Dihanie zamiraet I chto-to podstupaet k gorlu,  gde-to v moih myslyah ti, ya...vio I vot ona, moya svoboda kotoraya seichas..pryamo zdes. Padau spinoi v pesok I viju edva poyavlyaushiesya zvevdy, kak budto chto-to novoe v moei zhizni zazhigaetsa seichas. Pod etim ogromnim nebom, ryadom c etim ogromnim okeanom, vot on mir I gorod za spinoi, a ya.. in the middle of nowhere..absolutely alone..and feel..the happiness?..